5 must have necklaces
1) Distinctive necklace. This could be a fine chain with a pearl, a diamond, a small charm or a little decorative in general, but it could also be a thin chain that has scattered small elements sparsely.
2) Long chain. Long chain could be worn with a sweater, shirt or dress.
3) Necklace with semi-precious stones. It's a short or long necklace, with impressive colored semi-precious stones, that could really match with your outfit.
4) Timeless pearl. It is a misunderstood jewel, while it is believed to be worn at specific ages and at certain circumstances. However, we believe that pearls fit perfectly even in younger ages and they could be worn even with a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
5) Gold chain. The thick golden chain, which is close to the neck and match with every outfit.
Remember that the necklaces we recommend could be harmoniously combined with each other, giving a very interesting result.