Everything about RUBY
Ruby is red in color and is one of the precious stones, along with sapphire (blue stone), emerald (green stone) and diamond (white stone). It can be found in many shades of red, and this happens because of chromium impurities in the corundum, to which it belongs. The more intense the red the greater its value, while the lighter the color the lower its value. Another feature that gives ultimate value to ruby is its enclosures. The more the enclosures and the blurriness, the lower its value, whereas the more transparency the value increases. Other features of the ruby are cut and carat. Carats represent the weight of the stone, as 1 carat corresponds to 0.2 gram. Ruby is also a very hard stone, having the number 9 with the top 10 on the Moss scale. It becomes clear that it is about a tough stone, so the jewelry that are made from are very durable.